What is your word of the year?

2019. My word is Joy.

It has served me well for many of the projects, tasks and actions that I have involved myself with in my efforts to study, become a life coach, build my website and then promote this coaching business to the world hoping as a result to make a difference in people’s lives.

I have experienced the joy of learning. Learning something new is one of the real joys that I experience when I put my mind to a decision. I have experienced the joy of success in completing the Beautiful You Coaching Academy course that I undertook from February until end of July.

And connecting with Merryn Padgett at Brand Nirvana was a real joy, to experience her grounded, practical and creative influence in our collaboration to build this website, and also through her encouragement for me to design the logo and colour palette that feels right for me.

According to wikipedia.org the word joy means a feeling of great pleasure, rest of mind and happiness, while theopedia.com defines joy as a state of mind and an orientating of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope. And something or someone that provides a source of happiness.

How do you define joy, and what has brought you joy during 2019?

Danielle Laporte believes this:

“Joy is what happens when you
make contact with your Soul.”

Happiness can be transient, but joy can be felt even in the most grievous situation as the possible light that will reconnect you to your safe haven and truth.

2019 has been a year of personal reflection for me as I have devoted many hours in evaluating internal and external situations and impacts during my transformation from corporate executive to life coach.

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement
and the thrill of creative effort.”
Franklin D Roosevelt

Engaging in coaching sessions and being a member of a creative collective of women, each on their individual but shared paths towards creative growth projects, has also been joy on a deep personal level where self-development and self-compassion have equally accelerated. Contentment, confidence and hope = Joy.

Will you choose a word to guide 2020?
Leave a comment to let me know.

What motivates you?

What is your story?

Motivation drives you to choose a goal, to get up in the morning, to keep working on a task, determined to succeed when things get tough.

A story of determination.

At the time I had two small grandsons. Patrick three and Joseph just a few months old. I had always been relatively healthy, having attended gyms and pursued jogging as my go to exercise regimen.

Now I could hardly bend down and then get up again and the pain that caused was constant and growing worse. It now took me an extra thirty minutes to dress for work in the mornings. Yikes! What was going on.

I had already recovered from two hand ops to remove worn bone constantly rubbing, pinching nerves and causing endless pain, and thought I was on the road to a wellness life like I used to be.

Not yet.

Diagnosis #1 Hashimoto’s disease.
Diagnosis #2 Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Transforming into rheumatoid arthritis so they say.

But more was coming. Some symptoms were atypical and the doc said call your husband now to pick you up, go straight to the hospital, do not drive, just go. Emergency surgery and a temporal arterial biopsy followed and thankfully cleared the threat of blindness! Double yikes!! Feeling traumatised.

Running and chasing my grandsons was and is my motivation for wellness.
Determined to get there.

Three years on. Toxic medications with terrible side-effects have been reduced from very high doses to 1mg daily. I am determined to beat this, and the medications.

And I am running and chasing Patrick and Joe.

How can you become motivated for success?

What is your story?
Focus on the positive things that will happen when you take action.

Find your purpose in attaining your goals, and when you get there – celebrate of course!

Leave a comment in the space below. I would truly love to know.


“Everything IS Figureoutable”

“Everything IS Figureoutable”


On Thursday evening I attended Marie Forleo LIVE. The Sydney leg of her book tour  “Everything is Figureoutable” that recounts some of the advice and learning from Marie’s experiences. As Marie stated during the show:

“I win or I learn, but I never lose. Failures are lessons.”

The event was organised by #BusinessChicks and filled with a huge crowd of (mostly) business women with a smattering of men as well.

Why am I talking about this?

Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, coach, author, runs the acclaimed business-training programme ‘B-School’, and has been named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation. My focus in delivering this piece is about decision-making. But more than that, once you make a decision to take action, to do something different or decide that you are ready for change, the result is motivation.

When researching the act of decision-making there are many frameworks that make claim to be successful, and many time frames in which the decision can be made. I’ve come to learn that there may never be such a thing as a “right” decision, but there is an intent that we can be making the decision with the best possible outcome at that time.

“Don’t make the right decision. Make the decision right.” Psychologist Ellen Langer

Make your decision right.

You have a very important decision to make. You need an objective perspective to decide on actions that can give you clarity to achieve your goals. You need to be in touch with your deepest values. You can’t afford to take the wrong path, make the wrong decision.

Get to the core of your heart and mind preferences and quieten your inner voice of sabotage. You are your best asset and advisor.

“All progress begins with a brave decision.” Marie Forleo

Your decision to act.

Make the best decision for your situation. I can be your experienced sounding board.


Make your brave move.

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