5Cs of Goal Setting

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a goal that you set and forget and a really great goal that inspires you?

Over the last six months, I have trained as a life coach and I’ve learnt that goal setting is a major factor in productively working with a life coach.

Why? You need to relate to and feel your goals, being inspired by your vision for success and happiness.

There are many different reasons for setting goals and I know that if you want to succeed in realising the outcomes of your goals you need to own them.

Here are my 5Cs for setting goals that get you there:

  • Clarity
  • Confidence
  • Challenge
  • Consistent
  • Connection


Get clear on what you want, why you are deciding on setting goals. Clarity of purpose is essential to gain the best intentions for your goals. For example you may want to save the deposit for your first home. Considering how much you need to save and what else you need to think about to reach your savings goal will add depth to creating actions as well as having an outcome that can be measured.


Have the confidence to create actions that can reward you as you tick them off. Planting a sustainable garden can produce benefits at each stage by creating a use for household scraps, redirecting grey water to save money and irrigate your plant beds and involving family or community in planning and carrying out construction.


Once you commence setting goals you will also need to create actions to take you step by step towards the outcomes that you have envisioned. The way that you write your goals and how they challenge you will excite you to take ownership of your goals. How will my life be better when I have saved the deposit for my first home, or, be the fittest that I have ever been? Goals with actions that stretch your imagination, align with your core values and deep emotions are much more likely to be achieved.


As you tick off your first actions towards each goal, revisit those goals and create new actions that continue to motivate you, being the consistent achiever that you want to be. Creating positive actions, then focusing consistently on achieving the strategies and actions to reach your outcomes.


We can let too many conflicting needs cram into our lives so to ensure that you can maintain your initial connection, your goals and actions need deep feeling and meaning to bring your heart and desire into the achievement of what you truly wish for.

Get there, then Celebrate!

Do you want to be celebrating the goals you’ve achieved three months from now? Book in a Complimentary Chat by clicking here and let’s discuss how I can support you in bringing your goals to life.