November 4, 2019

“Everything IS Figureoutable”


On Thursday evening I attended Marie Forleo LIVE. The Sydney leg of her book tour  “Everything is Figureoutable” that recounts some of the advice and learning from Marie’s experiences. As Marie stated during the show:

“I win or I learn, but I never lose. Failures are lessons.”

The event was organised by #BusinessChicks and filled with a huge crowd of (mostly) business women with a smattering of men as well.

Why am I talking about this?

Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, coach, author, runs the acclaimed business-training programme ‘B-School’, and has been named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation. My focus in delivering this piece is about decision-making. But more than that, once you make a decision to take action, to do something different or decide that you are ready for change, the result is motivation.

When researching the act of decision-making there are many frameworks that make claim to be successful, and many time frames in which the decision can be made. I’ve come to learn that there may never be such a thing as a “right” decision, but there is an intent that we can be making the decision with the best possible outcome at that time.

“Don’t make the right decision. Make the decision right.” Psychologist Ellen Langer

Make your decision right.

You have a very important decision to make. You need an objective perspective to decide on actions that can give you clarity to achieve your goals. You need to be in touch with your deepest values. You can’t afford to take the wrong path, make the wrong decision.

Get to the core of your heart and mind preferences and quieten your inner voice of sabotage. You are your best asset and advisor.

“All progress begins with a brave decision.” Marie Forleo

Your decision to act.

Make the best decision for your situation. I can be your experienced sounding board.


Make your brave move.