How to ensure you’re ready for your next promotion

Knowing how to get promoted is key if you are wanting more job responsibility.  It may take some time to establish yourself as a top performer in your workplace, and there are some effective ways to increase your chances.

You won’t get a promotion for the length of time you have been in the job, nor if you engage in office politics and gossip regularly. That will get you noticed, but not in the best way.

Your career growth is your responsibility and there are many ways to show your work ethic and enthusiasm. It is an area that I work in and can help you with your career growth.

Here are my top tips to put into practice:

1 Give your company great value for the time you are there. Know your job and do it well. Discuss the priorities for your responsibilities and tasks with your boss so you are working towards the organisation’s goals.

2 Be a team player and collaborate with your co-workers. Your boss needs people who are committed to their job, but also committed to the team objectives and take up responsibilities on projects.

3 Ask how you can help. Make yourself irreplaceable as the known ‘go-to’ for a particular office function such as ensuring customer contact is met within a short timeframe, or conversations in difficult situations remain calm and resolved quickly. Keep cool under pressure.

4 Learn new skills. By knowing the promotional job you are targeting you can research the role and the higher-level skills required. Learn online or through the company, building soft skills such as self-discipline, focus, creativity, work ethic and problem-solving skills. Note down any specific improvements that you contribute to for the company to add to your resume.

5 Get noticed for the right reasons by being engaged in the organisation’s activities. Contribute your ideas at staff meetings, put you hand up for projects and committees to expand your skills base, and dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Remember to smile and enjoy your job, even though you may be wishing you already had that promotion. Think leadership and cultivate a good working relationship with your boss as well as your colleagues. Allow your boss to know you and the great value that you bring to your role.

Know that preparation is key to planning for a new role, and that is where I can help you. With many years engaged in roles at all levels of organisations I am in a good position to provide valuable advice.


Know your ‘why’. Knowing why you want to succeed and build a lasting career for yourself should be your guide. And I can help you to determine this.