Be Open to Possibilities in Retirement

Pythagoras is credited with saying, ‘Man, know thyself, and you will know the universe in which gods dwell’. Possibilities are endless. Belief creates. Be open to possibilities.

Too often we allow our fears, sometimes imagined fears, and set ways of thinking to prevent us from leading a happy, productive, and fulfilling life. We limit our potential because we imagine we will be laughed at. We don’t express our thoughts and feelings out loud, because we fear what others may say or do, or think of us if we are honest.

We imagine failure, and so we simply may not try.

The opportunity to use your imagination to create the lifestyle that you dream of for your retirement time, and the opportunity to banish imagined fears is open to you. As an example, you may have a fear of flying, not for any other reason than your imagined consequences or possibilities in that fear. You may have a fear of heights, not because you have fallen, but because you have imagined falling.

Or you may not have taken an opportunity to try a different lifestyle in retirement because you have imagined failure. But just as you can imagine your worst fears, so you can imagine success. You just need to articulate it. That’s where my role as your retirement lifestyle coach can really assist you, in working past your fears to create potential goals that lead to happiness.

When you find imagination taking you down a negative pathway, you can choose to take control of your thoughts and dreams instead.

It is in your power to shift and change all that you imagine. Where you have seen failure, change it to success. When you imagine an ending, instead see a new beginning. When you fall, learn how to fly.

It is your imagination. It is yours to control, manipulate, and change. It is your retirement. Imagine the world is yours.

For the opportunity to dispel your fears and replace them with optimism, book a discovery call with me today.