UNLEASHING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL: Unearthing the Essential You

UNLEASHING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL: Unearthing the Essential You

Your identity, the Essential You, and your meaningful purpose in life is personal. It’s not your career, your family, or your relationship, it’s you. You can leave a job, or a career, and risk losing who you are because you no longer do what you did.

So, who are you?

That is the foundational starting point for redefining your purpose – finding yourself. You need a vision to direct yourself. If you are “what you do”, it’s difficult to change. But we know that change is a constant.

Do you ever wonder if you’re truly making the most of your talents and capabilities? As human beings, we possess an immense reservoir of potential just waiting to be tapped into. However, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often find ourselves stuck in routines that prevent us from realising our true potential.

In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of settling for what’s easy. We often stick to what’s comfortable, avoiding risks and challenges that could lead us to new heights. But what if we dared to venture outside of our comfort zones? What if we embraced change and uncertainty as catalysts for growth?

Embracing change might sound daunting, but it’s the cornerstone of unleashing our full potential. Just like a diamond needs to be cut and polished to reveal its brilliance, we also need to undergo a process of self-discovery and refinement. This involves identifying our strengths and weaknesses, understanding our passions and values, and continuously seeking opportunities to learn and evolve.

While stepping out of our comfort zones can be intimidating, it’s also incredibly liberating. By taking calculated risks and confronting challenges head-on, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities. Each new experience becomes a chance to learn, adapt, and become more resilient. Over time, these experiences accumulate, shaping us into individuals who are not defined by our limitations but empowered by our achievements.

One of the most powerful tools for unlocking our potential is cultivating a growth mindset. This mindset acknowledges that our abilities and intelligence are not fixed traits but can be developed through effort, perseverance, and learning from setbacks. When we view challenges as opportunities to learn and setbacks as stepping stones, we shift our perspective from a passive stance to an active drive for improvement.

Surrounding ourselves with a supportive community also plays a pivotal role in our journey to self-discovery. By connecting with like-minded individuals who inspire and uplift us, we create an environment where mutual encouragement fosters growth. Collaborative efforts and shared experiences can propel us forward, reinforcing our belief in what we can achieve.

By taking people with you on the journey to happiness and fulfilment, you can increase your clarity and actualisation as a group actualisation, and the heartfelt benefit is greater than self-actualisation, with the happiness of many versus one. Hugh Van Cuylenberg talks about gratitude, mindfulness, and empathy as three major factors needed to build resilience, and ensuring that your group or tribe is brought in on the journey can be an important component for you to build lasting resilience.

As we strive to unleash our full potential, it’s crucial to practice self-compassion. Acknowledge that setbacks and mistakes are natural parts of the journey. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would extend to a friend. By embracing setbacks as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block, we develop the resilience needed to persevere through challenges.

The path to realising our full potential requires a combination of daring to step outside our comfort zones, cultivating a growth mindset, fostering a supportive community, and practicing self-compassion. Just as a butterfly emerges stronger after breaking free from its cocoon, we too can transform into our best selves by embracing change and actively pursuing growth.

So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Remember, your potential is not a distant dream but a vibrant reality just waiting to be unearthed. It’s time to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and embrace the boundless possibilities that await you. Your journey to self-discovery and empowerment starts now. Contact me to discuss further.


Mindset: Let go of what no longer serves you

Mindset: Let go of what no longer serves you

Let go of thoughts, mindset and dreams that are not serving you. You can change the way you think by adopting a positive or growth mindset.

Try to become aware of the internal commentary that shows up when you are faced with difficulty, whether you have made a mistake, hit a setback, or received some form of external criticism.

Your mind might be saying things like “I can’t do this,” “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not smart enough,” and “I failed last time so I will probably fail again.” These types of thoughts generally come from a fixed mindset.

Mentally shift your perception of your ability and the difficulty in question to reflect a growth mindset.

You can do this. With awareness comes the power to choose.

How to ensure you’re ready for your next promotion

Knowing how to get promoted is key if you are wanting more job responsibility.  It may take some time to establish yourself as a top performer in your workplace, and there are some effective ways to increase your chances.

You won’t get a promotion for the length of time you have been in the job, nor if you engage in office politics and gossip regularly. That will get you noticed, but not in the best way.

Your career growth is your responsibility and there are many ways to show your work ethic and enthusiasm. It is an area that I work in and can help you with your career growth.

Here are my top tips to put into practice:

1 Give your company great value for the time you are there. Know your job and do it well. Discuss the priorities for your responsibilities and tasks with your boss so you are working towards the organisation’s goals.

2 Be a team player and collaborate with your co-workers. Your boss needs people who are committed to their job, but also committed to the team objectives and take up responsibilities on projects.

3 Ask how you can help. Make yourself irreplaceable as the known ‘go-to’ for a particular office function such as ensuring customer contact is met within a short timeframe, or conversations in difficult situations remain calm and resolved quickly. Keep cool under pressure.

4 Learn new skills. By knowing the promotional job you are targeting you can research the role and the higher-level skills required. Learn online or through the company, building soft skills such as self-discipline, focus, creativity, work ethic and problem-solving skills. Note down any specific improvements that you contribute to for the company to add to your resume.

5 Get noticed for the right reasons by being engaged in the organisation’s activities. Contribute your ideas at staff meetings, put you hand up for projects and committees to expand your skills base, and dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Remember to smile and enjoy your job, even though you may be wishing you already had that promotion. Think leadership and cultivate a good working relationship with your boss as well as your colleagues. Allow your boss to know you and the great value that you bring to your role.

Know that preparation is key to planning for a new role, and that is where I can help you. With many years engaged in roles at all levels of organisations I am in a good position to provide valuable advice.


Know your ‘why’. Knowing why you want to succeed and build a lasting career for yourself should be your guide. And I can help you to determine this.


I have recently posted a lot about change in social media, being ready for change, and seeking changes at work. The following information can assist your awareness and understanding of the Stages of Behaviour Change and provide the foundations for your successful navigation to successful realisation of your goals.

How to get started changing your habits or behaviour

Whether you want to lose weight, change jobs, or run a marathon, you may need to try several different ways to reach that goal. The key to maintaining focus on the change that you want is to find ways to motivate yourself and have small wins.

Understanding the stages of change and the steps that you will most likely go through will help you to work through each stage and reach your goals.

By taking the idea of change into smaller steps or elements it is easier to recognise the ways to work through each stage to help you achieve and motivate yourself for the total change to occur.

The three most important components of changing a behaviour involve being ready to change, recognising any barriers you might find to that change, and having strategies in place if a relapse to the former habit crops up.

The Stages of Change

One of the well-known change models is the Stages of Change or Transtheoretical Model, introduced in the late 1970s by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente who based their study on ways too help people to give up smoking.


Stage 1: Pre-contemplation

Not aware of a problem and no willingness to change. Regular self-analysis to assess your behaviour is recommended to avoid any negative or problem behaviour.

Stage 2: Contemplation

You might become aware of benefits of making a change, but some factors create a sense of conflicted emotions about changing. Strategies include evaluating your readiness and ability to change; and identifying barriers to change. This stage in the model can last for substantial periods of time.

Stage 3: Preparation

Beginning with small changes in preparation for a larger change, or steps being taken with the intention to make real changes shortly. Strategies can include writing out your goals, preparing action plans and positive affirmations or other motivating elements such as visualisation boards.

Stage 4: Action

Start some direct action to make real change in your life. Enjoy new ways of doing or thinking about your goals and celebrate any positive steps you have taken. Support from friends or your coach is very important in helping maintain your positive steps forward. Take time to refresh your progress and written goals to maintain momentum and motivation.

Stage 5: Maintenance

This stage involves successful behaviour change and importantly successful mindset to a new way of thinking. New strategies for coping with temptations and rewards for new milestones met are important to cement the change. Your chances of lapsing into old unwanted behaviours is now much diminished.

Stage 6: Relapse

If you do relapse, remind yourself that you have made fantastic progress so far, and this disappointment is a minor setback. Call on the commitment to your goals that led to your changed behaviour, identify the triggers to that led to this upset, and recognise any barriers. Remain positive and motivated to continue success in your new state and reaffirm your goals and self-confidence.

If you find a need for a structured support program to reach the action and maintenance stages, then engaging a coach or other professional program would be advisable.


New challenges always leave us reminders and we learn from them. When you are challenged, it makes you realise your areas to progress and your strengths, which then helps in knowing yourself better. The more challenge you readily face, the more your mindset grows.

Choosing peace, harmony and happiness, aligned with your values. To grow and evolve.

You know that you have a change that you want to make, but so far you have stayed with the you that hasn’t stepped out to make that change.

Can you trust in yourself to know when the time is right and you are ready to jump? This is your inner connection needing to break into an external connection.

You know what? Trust me.
Allow me to be your external connection to start the change process.

Why would you do that?Because I am an experienced change leader. From my corporate leadership role to my own self-leadership I have been on a transformational pathway for several years now and survived and thrived.

I love my new life in my new role as coach and I am so proud that I stepped into training and transformation. Are you ready for change?

Or is there fear of something keeping you where you are?

Have a think about this question and call me when you are ready to look at that fear.

“Your growth is possible when you stop denying who you are and claim your rightful place as a priority in your life.”
Lisa Corduff

Grow your self-confidence. Be honest with yourself about your fears, embrace failures and turn the situation into positive for self growth.

Ask me how I can help you to build a positive mindset and thrive. Book my Complimentary Discovery Call and we can start your growth today.

And have a very wonderful festive season


Lean into the holiday feeling…

A One-Week Challenge

This one-week challenge is all about feeling relaxed, calm, and stress-free … how magical will that be!?

This breathing technique will help you feel less stressed almost instantly! It’s called Four-Square Breathing”. And no, it doesn’t involve an actual square or box. 🙂

If you haven’t already noticed, stress can sneak up on you during the day. You might start out feeling great, but then all of a sudden you notice your shoulders are tight and you are holding your breath.

Four-Square Breathing, otherwise known as Box Breathing, or Controlled Breathing, is a great way to reduce stress and to give your mind a break for a few minutes. Special Forces, public speakers, and surgeons use tactical breathing to help control their thoughts and emotions when faced with challenging situations that obscure their clarity.

Square Breathing is an effective breath exercise to combat feelings of worry, anxiety and panic. It regulates the breath and heart rate, alleviates tension and feelings of confusion and panic and brings a general sense of peace and order to the mind and body.

  • Be sure to draw out the inhale and exhale so it fills the full four counts
  • Relax! Try not to hold tension in your face.

Are you in? Just do ONE SESSION a day.

Try this and let me know how you go in the comment space below.

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