Did you know that you can increase your chances of success in your job search?

It is your job search and you are not entirely powerless in taking some control of how you go with it. The way that you approach your search can impact on you successfully gaining a position.

That doesn’t mean that the employer has less significance to your job search. They may hold the major share of the upper hand because your quest is to impress the employer to the extent that they choose you.

You have the ability to leverage a number of competitive advantages to position yourself in the best position to be placed for an interview. Professionalism, rich and dynamic achievement statements, quality research on the future company of choice, in depth preparation for your interview and resume content, and a creative and thorough approach to networking.

You choose your success and what that looks like for you. You can upskill, reskill, know your skills base and how that translates to other industries.

You can increase you chances of success by practicing interview skills and your overall presentation skills. You can increase your chances by engaging in more widespread job seeking skills. You will increase your chances of success with a confident approach, and that will come from putting in the work in all of the above ways.

And one final success technique: get support.
You don’t have to do your job search on your own.
With an experienced career coach you won’t miss a step in the journey to your new job.