
A few days until we leave 2019 behind and move into a new year. A single word can play a role in bringing you happiness, and emotional and spiritual healing: Forgiveness.

Personal growth requires self-forgiveness as well as forgiveness of others.

Forgiveness is about how you can change your life — bringing you the peace you need to move on.

We hold anger and hurt in our hearts while we have expectations of other people and life situations we can’t control. We have a personal sphere of influence and can control our own thoughts and behaviour, not those of others.

With a growth mindset, the end of a relationship requires a goal of forgiveness – as the saying goes – “forgive and forget.”

The first person you need to forgive is yourself. Forgiveness is understanding that the only person you hurt when you’re upset – no matter how justified it may be – is yourself.

With a fixed mindset, blaming another when something goes wrong is a usual reaction. Fixed mindset people find it difficult to forgive.

According to mindset expert Carol S Dweck:

“In a relationship, the growth mindset lets you rise above blame, understand the problem, and try to fix it – together.”

There is a well-known saying:

“To understand all is to forgive all.”

Even if everything in you wants to blame someone else, consider giving yourself the gift of forgiving your expectations.

Swap your expectations for appreciation and transformation. Letting go of blaming means you can move on and serve your best interests.

“Forgiveness is a gift to yourself, not to the events or people who created hurt in your life.”

Recognise the importance of self-care not only for your mental wellbeing but also for your professional success. Your life is what you make it.