
Wow, December already.

And with that comes another birthday for me. This one is a remember and reflect birthday because for me it is a significant number in years.

December is also the time that begins decorations for the festive season, reflecting on family and friends and what to buy as gifts that they will love, and a time to consider holidays and good times ahead. Joy! My word of 2019.

What does December mean to you?

Do you look forward to celebrations with friends and family, or start to dread the hustle of shopping in overcrowded stores trying to find that something just right for your significant purchases? Or just a parking spot?

As 2019 nears drawing to a close I seem to reflect more on the highlights and not so highs of the past year and think about what I can take forward into the new year, and this time new decade.

Undertaking study as a life coach and taking on coaching for myself as a self-discovery and self-reflection program has been so very rewarding personally and spiritually and given me the chance to meet so many incredible and wonderful people who have expanded my world and my perspective on my life and my influence in this world.

I have valued the opportunity to reflect on and appreciate all my many complex life experiences and gain lessons that I know passing on to others through coaching will enrich their personal perspective. Living life so fully focused on the best I can be for myself has brought the highs and also the not so highs, as perfectionism and hyper- achievement are huge saboteurs for me.

How will you reflect on yourself and your impact in the world in 2019?

Will you take the best of your learnings and plan for even better for 2020?

Time is running out quickly as December starts it’s race to the finish, so take some time to reflect.

What is your dream for 2020? What does the reflection of you look like in the mirror? Make that reflection a happy one, one that looks back at you proud of what you have achieved, and purposeful for what you know you can achieve in 2020.

If you want to uncover what that purpose is, book my Complimentary Discovery Call and we can start your discovery today.