Lean into the holiday feeling…

A One-Week Challenge

This one-week challenge is all about feeling relaxed, calm, and stress-free … how magical will that be!?

This breathing technique will help you feel less stressed almost instantly! It’s called Four-Square Breathing”. And no, it doesn’t involve an actual square or box. 🙂

If you haven’t already noticed, stress can sneak up on you during the day. You might start out feeling great, but then all of a sudden you notice your shoulders are tight and you are holding your breath.

Four-Square Breathing, otherwise known as Box Breathing, or Controlled Breathing, is a great way to reduce stress and to give your mind a break for a few minutes. Special Forces, public speakers, and surgeons use tactical breathing to help control their thoughts and emotions when faced with challenging situations that obscure their clarity.

Square Breathing is an effective breath exercise to combat feelings of worry, anxiety and panic. It regulates the breath and heart rate, alleviates tension and feelings of confusion and panic and brings a general sense of peace and order to the mind and body.

  • Be sure to draw out the inhale and exhale so it fills the full four counts
  • Relax! Try not to hold tension in your face.

Are you in? Just do ONE SESSION a day.

Try this and let me know how you go in the comment space below.