
I have recently posted a lot about change in social media, being ready for change, and seeking changes at work. The following information can assist your awareness and understanding of the Stages of Behaviour Change and provide the foundations for your successful navigation to successful realisation of your goals.

How to get started changing your habits or behaviour

Whether you want to lose weight, change jobs, or run a marathon, you may need to try several different ways to reach that goal. The key to maintaining focus on the change that you want is to find ways to motivate yourself and have small wins.

Understanding the stages of change and the steps that you will most likely go through will help you to work through each stage and reach your goals.

By taking the idea of change into smaller steps or elements it is easier to recognise the ways to work through each stage to help you achieve and motivate yourself for the total change to occur.

The three most important components of changing a behaviour involve being ready to change, recognising any barriers you might find to that change, and having strategies in place if a relapse to the former habit crops up.

The Stages of Change

One of the well-known change models is the Stages of Change or Transtheoretical Model, introduced in the late 1970s by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente who based their study on ways too help people to give up smoking.


Stage 1: Pre-contemplation

Not aware of a problem and no willingness to change. Regular self-analysis to assess your behaviour is recommended to avoid any negative or problem behaviour.

Stage 2: Contemplation

You might become aware of benefits of making a change, but some factors create a sense of conflicted emotions about changing. Strategies include evaluating your readiness and ability to change; and identifying barriers to change. This stage in the model can last for substantial periods of time.

Stage 3: Preparation

Beginning with small changes in preparation for a larger change, or steps being taken with the intention to make real changes shortly. Strategies can include writing out your goals, preparing action plans and positive affirmations or other motivating elements such as visualisation boards.

Stage 4: Action

Start some direct action to make real change in your life. Enjoy new ways of doing or thinking about your goals and celebrate any positive steps you have taken. Support from friends or your coach is very important in helping maintain your positive steps forward. Take time to refresh your progress and written goals to maintain momentum and motivation.

Stage 5: Maintenance

This stage involves successful behaviour change and importantly successful mindset to a new way of thinking. New strategies for coping with temptations and rewards for new milestones met are important to cement the change. Your chances of lapsing into old unwanted behaviours is now much diminished.

Stage 6: Relapse

If you do relapse, remind yourself that you have made fantastic progress so far, and this disappointment is a minor setback. Call on the commitment to your goals that led to your changed behaviour, identify the triggers to that led to this upset, and recognise any barriers. Remain positive and motivated to continue success in your new state and reaffirm your goals and self-confidence.

If you find a need for a structured support program to reach the action and maintenance stages, then engaging a coach or other professional program would be advisable.

“Everything IS Figureoutable”

“Everything IS Figureoutable”


On Thursday evening I attended Marie Forleo LIVE. The Sydney leg of her book tour  “Everything is Figureoutable” that recounts some of the advice and learning from Marie’s experiences. As Marie stated during the show:

“I win or I learn, but I never lose. Failures are lessons.”

The event was organised by #BusinessChicks and filled with a huge crowd of (mostly) business women with a smattering of men as well.

Why am I talking about this?

Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, coach, author, runs the acclaimed business-training programme ‘B-School’, and has been named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation. My focus in delivering this piece is about decision-making. But more than that, once you make a decision to take action, to do something different or decide that you are ready for change, the result is motivation.

When researching the act of decision-making there are many frameworks that make claim to be successful, and many time frames in which the decision can be made. I’ve come to learn that there may never be such a thing as a “right” decision, but there is an intent that we can be making the decision with the best possible outcome at that time.

“Don’t make the right decision. Make the decision right.” Psychologist Ellen Langer

Make your decision right.

You have a very important decision to make. You need an objective perspective to decide on actions that can give you clarity to achieve your goals. You need to be in touch with your deepest values. You can’t afford to take the wrong path, make the wrong decision.

Get to the core of your heart and mind preferences and quieten your inner voice of sabotage. You are your best asset and advisor.

“All progress begins with a brave decision.” Marie Forleo

Your decision to act.

Make the best decision for your situation. I can be your experienced sounding board.


Make your brave move.

A New Life.

What could that mean for you?

Within a forever changing landscape of personal, work, community life, being prepared to develop your sense of self and to build skills for acceptance of change, new ways of working and transformation is an essential skill for individuals.

My New Life as a transformational coach means freedom to evolve new and different capabilities and to grow with the flow. My focus is on self, self-leadership, and challenging past beliefs no longer serving me that I lived by in my previous corporate setting.

Transformation does not dwell in the past. A card chosen randomly today from “The Universe has your back”  card deck by Gabrielle Bernstein:

“I let go of the shadow of the past by seeing someone for the first time with the eyes of love.”

This message is timely in my case, reinforcing that I am moving forward in my newfound career, loving who I am becoming and connecting with the higher purpose of my future work.

The message from the Universe today has changed the post that I was intending to write by bringing my story into the now and not coming from the past. My strengthened belief in myself enables alignment with mind, body and spirit and brings reconnection with nature, beauty, creativity and my passion to serve others.

Developing your sense of self, self-leadership and evolving with transformational shifts in your experiences can connect you with your life’s purpose.

Focusing on your ‘self’ and developing who you are, accepting new ways of thinking and letting go of thoughts and feelings that hold you back in a place in time.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”  Albert Einstein

Grow into your personal transformation! I can help you with that! Book a Complimentary Discovery Call here:

Try this to relieve stress…

Try this to relieve stress…

Changing my daily rituals to include inspiring affirmations, aromatherapy and building self-development practices into my day have led me through a healing path to reconnect with nature, beauty, creativity and my passion to serve and give the opportunity to others that has transformed me.

Maintaining a positive attitude and mindset can be challenging at times, and especially if you are undergoing stress at work, changing jobs and more so if you have lost your job.

Life can get pretty stressful when you are trying to search for your ideal life purpose, or just doing many things at once, and this can result in tension, fatigue, stress and negative feelings.

Aromatherapy is a popular and easily available method for relieving stress and reducing anxiety, as well as assist by creating a feeling of restfulness and a good night’s sleep.

Cynthia Deng in Yale Scientific, 2011 says that the scent of citrus aromas such as lemon, bergamot and sweet orange has promoted reduced anxiety and mood. And with the power of the mind believing that the power of aromatherapy will be beneficial there will be improvement. Incorporate this mindset practice with meditation for strengthened influence to create a positive mood.

Some aromatherapy suggestions ideal for overcoming procrastination, ease stress & anxiety, and energise for your task you have been avoiding:

Wild Orange, Peppermint & Frankincense Essential Oils

Place two drops of Wild Orange, Peppermint and Frankincense in the palm of your hand. Rib hands together then inhale deeply. Use this method when feeling moments of stress.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Apply two drops to the palms of your hands for a quick energiser by inhaling the power of the aroma. You can also include two drops of Wild Orange.

Grapefruit/Lemon/Bergamot/Lime Essential Oil

Rub two drops of any of these citrus essential oils in your palms and then rub a small amount under your nose to sharpen focus for concentration. Please note that some citrus oils can be photosensitive so check the label.

In all cases always follow the directions on the label of the particular brand of essential oil used. Post here to let me know your results, I’d love to know!

If you need essential oils you can purchase through my website: https//

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