What motivates you?

What is your story?

Motivation drives you to choose a goal, to get up in the morning, to keep working on a task, determined to succeed when things get tough.

A story of determination.

At the time I had two small grandsons. Patrick three and Joseph just a few months old. I had always been relatively healthy, having attended gyms and pursued jogging as my go to exercise regimen.

Now I could hardly bend down and then get up again and the pain that caused was constant and growing worse. It now took me an extra thirty minutes to dress for work in the mornings. Yikes! What was going on.

I had already recovered from two hand ops to remove worn bone constantly rubbing, pinching nerves and causing endless pain, and thought I was on the road to a wellness life like I used to be.

Not yet.

Diagnosis #1 Hashimoto’s disease.
Diagnosis #2 Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Transforming into rheumatoid arthritis so they say.

But more was coming. Some symptoms were atypical and the doc said call your husband now to pick you up, go straight to the hospital, do not drive, just go. Emergency surgery and a temporal arterial biopsy followed and thankfully cleared the threat of blindness! Double yikes!! Feeling traumatised.

Running and chasing my grandsons was and is my motivation for wellness.
Determined to get there.

Three years on. Toxic medications with terrible side-effects have been reduced from very high doses to 1mg daily. I am determined to beat this, and the medications.

And I am running and chasing Patrick and Joe.

How can you become motivated for success?

What is your story?
Focus on the positive things that will happen when you take action.

Find your purpose in attaining your goals, and when you get there – celebrate of course!

Leave a comment in the space below. I would truly love to know.